Saturday, April 23, 2011

April 2011

I don't know how often I'll contribute to this blog. I lead a busy life and time management is a constant challenge. Life always seems to get in the way. I think we all want to accomplish more than we actually can. I'm always filled with more ideas than I can actually execute. I always have more plans & projects than I can actually complete. The best I can hope for is that I can check some things off of my daily/weekly list.
I actually have 4 lists that I keep on one notebook page. One personal list such as bills & shopping, one list for my art business, one list for home repairs, and one list for my rental properties. I often misplace these lists, but the nice thing is that when I eventually find them again I've completed almost everything on them. As long as I am doing something constructive towards some simple goals I won't beat myself over what hasn't gotten done. I'll eventually get it done. It just may stay on my 'to do' list a little bit longer.

As the motto goes, "I just keep on keeping on."