Monday, September 9, 2013

I have a new website and blog.

It's been awhile since I last posted. As I mentioned before, " Life happens and things just get in the way".

Well I just recently (September 2013) created a new website in WordPress. And it contains my new blog. I hope you will go check it out. Please visit my website at:  www dot  sandcastlestudio  dot  org.

I originally had my site designed in FrontPage but none of the hosting sites were supporting it, so I made the switch to WordPress and now have a smaller website. I'm still getting the hang of it, but at least I have something to show everyone. I use my website as my virtual showroom, though I have many more designs than what I have shown. I do hope to add more info and products as I have the time.

This is a etched and airbrushed interior glass door. My client gave me a very rough idea of what they wanted and I created this lovely mermaid.  I etched the background so the door would also give some privacy between rooms. Because I had this frosted-etched background, I had to mask off the background before I airbrushed the mermaid. This door was labor intensive, but in the end it was well worth the labor. Contact me if you are interested in any carved or etched glass or mirror.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

April 2011

I don't know how often I'll contribute to this blog. I lead a busy life and time management is a constant challenge. Life always seems to get in the way. I think we all want to accomplish more than we actually can. I'm always filled with more ideas than I can actually execute. I always have more plans & projects than I can actually complete. The best I can hope for is that I can check some things off of my daily/weekly list.
I actually have 4 lists that I keep on one notebook page. One personal list such as bills & shopping, one list for my art business, one list for home repairs, and one list for my rental properties. I often misplace these lists, but the nice thing is that when I eventually find them again I've completed almost everything on them. As long as I am doing something constructive towards some simple goals I won't beat myself over what hasn't gotten done. I'll eventually get it done. It just may stay on my 'to do' list a little bit longer.

As the motto goes, "I just keep on keeping on."